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SISTAR's Bora to appear on variety show "2 Days and 1 Night"

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SISTAR's Bora [Starship Entertainment]

SISTAR's Bora [Starship Entertainment]

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Korean female idol Bora of girl group SISTAR will make a guest appearance on a KBS variety show this weekend.

A Starship Entertainment official told the magazine in a phone interview Friday that Bora recently finished shooting for "2 Days and 1 Night" and that the episode will air on the channel this Sunday.
The rep explained that Bora is the first female celebrity to guest star on the program, alongside hosts Kim Seung-woo, Cha Tae-hyun, Joo Won, Sung Si-kyung, Lee Soo-geun, Kim Jong-min and Uhm Tae-woong.

"2 Days and 1 Night" has built its popularity among many variety shows by introducing various scenic and meaningful tourist attractions in Korea since 2007.

The show and its cast have also won a number of awards at year-end awards ceremonies and the show is known for having solid number of viewers and ratings every week.
In the meantime, SISTAR is currently promoting cheerful dance tune "LOVING U," the title track of their special summer album.

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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