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New Age pianist Jim Brickman to perform in Korea for 3 days

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Jim Brickman [Freedom Concert]

Jim Brickman [Freedom Concert]

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American New Age songwriter and a pianist Jim Brickman will hold a three-day performance in three major cities in Korea later this month, announced the show’s promoter Freedom Concert today.

A press release by Freedom revealed that Brickman will launch a concert at Chunma Arts Center in Daegu on May 27, the Grand Peace Palace of Kyunghee University in Seoul on May 28 and Busan Citizen Hall in Busan on June 29.
Brickman, a pop instrumental musician from Ohio, first started out as a composer of advertisement music after majoring in music and business.

He produced hit numbers for global commercial brands such as “McDonald,” Miller” and “GAP” as well as recording his own singles incuding “Valentine” and “Tsunami,” the former selling over a million copies to win platinum status.

Around the mid-90s, he began to produce one hit album after another, including “By Heart” (1995), “Picture This” (1997) and “Destiny” (1999) that sold over 500,000 copies each, earning him recognition as the pioneer of popular New Age music.
Some of the awards he won during his musical career include SESAC Songwriter of the Year and the Canadian Country Music Award for Best Vocal/Instrumental Collaboration. He was also nominated for the Grammy in 2003 for album “Peace” in the Best Instrumental category and in 2010 for Best New Age Album with “Faith” (2008), both Christian music.

In the upcoming concert Brickman plans to officially introduce his 2008-album “Hope” for the first time in Korea, along with his joint performance with vocalist John Tronse.

For ticket reservations visit online shopping site of Interpark, Auction Ticket or YES24.

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Reporter : Heidi Kim heidikim@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@

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