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Jung Il-woo, Kim So-eun to promote Jeonju film fest

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Jung Il-woo (left) and Kim So-eun [Jeonju International Film Festival]

Jung Il-woo (left) and Kim So-eun [Jeonju International Film Festival]

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Actor Jung Il-woo and actress Kim So-eun have been named promotional ambassadors for the 12th Jeonju International Film Festival (JIFF).

The fest revealed through a press release that the two will start promoting the annual event after being appointed to their positions next week and participate in hand-printing sessions and turn into one-day volunteer workers during the fest to be held from April 28 to May 6 this year.
JIFF is one of Korea's main film festivals which showcases alternative and independent films in the city of Jeonju. The festival will also feature short films and various cultural events.

"I'm delighted and happy to have become a PR ambassador for the JIFF which is a huge festival for people in the film industry. I'll be busy with my drama and studies as well but I'll do my best to promote the event," Jung was quoted as saying in the statement.

Kim expressed her hopes to grow further as a movie actress and added, "I'm going to watch as many movies as I like during the festival, on top of carrying out my activities as PR ambassador."
After making a debut in 2006 with a movie role, Jung became popular in Korea, Japan and China after starring in MBC's sitcom "High Kick!" and TV series "The Return of Iljimae.”

He currently appears in SBS' Wednesday and Thursday TV series "49 Days" alongside actresses Lee Yo-won and Nam Gyu-ri.

Kim debuted in 2005 in the MBC drama "Sister of the Sea" and made her name known after playing the role of Choo Ga-eul in KBS’ "Boys Over Flowers" starring Korean actors Lee Min-ho and Kim Bum.

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Jessica Kim jesskim@

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