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“Children…” maintains hold on local box office for 2nd win

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Film "Children..." [YoungHwaIn]

Film "Children..." [YoungHwaIn]

원본보기 아이콘

Documentary film “Children…” grabbed its second win on the local box office chart during the weekend of February 25 to 27, according to data by the Korean Box Office Information System (KOBIS) on Monday.

“Children…," which is based on the true story of investigation into the case of five missing boys who disappeared 20 years ago, brought in a total of 335,846 viewers last weekend, accumulating a total of 1.4 million audiences since opening in theaters on February 17.
Starring Park Yong-woo, Ryu Seung-ryeong and Sung Dong-il, the film portrays the quest of three men -- a TV documentary producer, a professor and an inspector -- trying to analyze the case of the mysterious disappearance.

Psychological thriller “Black Swan,” which opened last Thursday, made its debut at No. 2, drawing in 268,023 moviegoers in 357 theaters nationwide.

Starring Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis and Vincent Cassel, the movie depicts the anxiety and obsession of an innocent ballerina Nina (Portman) who gets to play the main role of the white swan while getting in touch with her dark side to play the black swan.
“I Am Number Four,” which stars Alex Pettyfer, Timothy Olyphant and Dianna Agron, came in third place selling 252,473 tickets since opening in theaters last week. The film tells a story of an alien boy who falls in love with an earth girl while on the run from his enemies from outer space.

Other films on the top 10 included “Detective K: Secret of Virtuous Widow,” “Tangled,” “Late Autumn,” “The Mechanic,” “Unknown,” “Alpha and Omega,” and “Late Blossom.”

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Reporter : Heidi Kim heidikim@
Editor : Lucia Hong luciahong@

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