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"Pasta" makes proud exit from small screen

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MBC TV series "Pasta" made a proud exit from the small screen yesterday, scoring the highest ratings the show has ever seen during its 20-episode airing.

According to daily statistics released by research firms TNS Media Korea and AGB Nielsen Media Research, "Pasta" recorded national viewership ratings of 21.5 and 21.2 percent, respectively, for its final episode last night.
The culinary drama, which premiered in Korea on January 4, had started off with ratings around 13 percent and went on to breach the 20 percent mark when KBS2 TV series "Master of Study" ended its run last month.

The Monday and Tuesday evening drama wrapped up its story with a happy ending for its two main characters Choi Hyun-wook, played by Lee Sun-kyun, and Seo Yu-kyung, played by Kong Hyo-jin.

The show had received positive feedback from viewers with its well-balanced combination of a good script, directing and acting.
SBS' "Jejungwong" and KBS' "The Birth of the Rich", which aired in the same time slot, recorded ratings of 14.4 and 13.1 percent, respectively.

MBC will air traditional drama "Dong-yi", starring Ji Jin-he and Han Hyo-joo, starting March 22.

Reporter : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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