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2NE1: "Meaningless to do music when we can’t be inspirational to people" (Pt. 2)

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2NE1's Minzy (left), Sandara Park (second to left), CL (second to right) and Park Bom (right) [YG Entertainment]

2NE1's Minzy (left), Sandara Park (second to left), CL (second to right) and Park Bom (right) [YG Entertainment]

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<#10_QMARK#>Your first world tour, “NEW REVOLUTION,” is like throwing your hat in the ring to go global. Do you have specific plans about how and what you want to do at “NEW REVOLUTION”?
CL: We think our next world tour after this year’s is the real start. This time, it’s more like visiting and communicating with our fans abroad. We’ve worked with many foreign musicians and professionals to meet global fans.

<#10_QMARK#>If you were to choose just one country where you look forward to perform next time, which country would that be?
CL: I've heard that we have a large number of fans in Latin America. Maybe it’s the passionate and strong feelings that Latin American music is known for (that 2NE1 is popular there). I really want to perform there.
Bom: I heard from will.i.am that 2NE1 has a lot of fans in Brazil. I would love to go there soon.
<#10_QMARK#>How’s the preparation for the world tour going?
CL: We already began practicing for the tour two months ago and we’ll really buckle down to push things forward (before it kicks off in Seoul this month). From next week, we start doing band rehearsals and all our staffs from abroad will fly in. Oh, and we’ll play the same versions for all cities we visit. We held our concerts last year and since then we've only released one new song, 'I LOVE YOU.' Since the setlist is going to be pretty much the same as last year, we're doing some remix for all songs except our latest love tune. Our performance director is preparing a flamboyant stage and adding to that, we’re wearing Jeremy Scott’s stage costumes. Everything will be fancy and showy.

<#10_QMARK#>Do you guys have a lot of burden on your shoulders for the world tour?
CL: We’re actually excited about it and can’t wait to start the tour. Perhaps answering questions in interviews can be more stressful than performing on stage. Anywhere in the world, we’ll be able to truly enjoy staging our shows.

<#10_QMARK#>Sandara and Park Bom are turning 30 next year. What would you guys like to do during the last five months of your 20s?
Sandara: I have a load of things I want to do. I’ve been too busy with my work the past few years. (If I have to pick one) I’d like to fall madly in love but as you can see, I have only six months left so I highly doubt that’ll happen (laugh).
Bom: For me, I don’t think I have anything particular. Being over 30 will be attractive in its way.
<#10_QMARK#>What do you want to do the most these days, Minzy and CL?
Minzy: I have a few things that I want to learn. Whether it is learning a language, dancing or whatever, I want to set one-year plan to learn something new. Lately I’ve been reading a lot. The title is ‘You’ve Been Hurt Because You Are in Your Youth’ (translated title).
CL: I have so much that I want to do that I don’t know which one to start with. This is actually what G-Dragon and I have been talking about together. It’s related to culture and fashion. But since we’ve been so busy with our work it never got carried out in action. Anyways, that’s my dream: creating a space to allow people in our age and the next generation to keep developing the Korean culture. I’m not sure how exactly it will turn out but certainly it’ll be music and fashion-related.

<#10_QMARK#>It’s been three years since 2NE1’s debut. What’s your ambition as a member of 2NE1?
CL: We’re always craving to show something new. When people feel that 2NE1’s music or our style is sensational and boring, I’d be more disappointed that they are. It’d be meaningless to do music when we can’t be inspirational to people.

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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