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JYJ Kim Jae-joong's photo from new drama's shooting set unveiled

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JYJ member Kim Jae-joong shooting his scenes for an upcoming MBC Drama [MBC]

JYJ member Kim Jae-joong shooting his scenes for an upcoming MBC Drama [MBC]

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Photos of JYJ member Kim Jae-joong shooting his scenes for MBC's upcoming drama have been revealed.

Having a little over two weeks left till "Dr. Jin" (tentative title) hits the airwaves, the major broadcaster released photos this morning that feature Kim donned in the traditional costume of a military officer from the Joseon Dynasty.
"Though it's Kim's first time starring in a historical series, his acting has been stable. He was able to pull off the image of the character better than expected," a staff from the drama was quoted as saying.

The official also noted that he has been practicing whenever he can to get used to the attitude and speaking habits of an officer from that period, not to mention taking horse-back riding lessons, to show his best in the Japanese manga-adapted drama.

Kim first made his debut as an actor in Japan through film "Postman to Heaven" in November 2009 and appeared in Fuji TV's "Hard to Say I Love You" in September 2010.
Last year, he made his local debut through SBS' series "Protect the Boss," alongside actor Ji Sung and actress Choi Kang-hee.

Also starring other main casts Song Seung-heon, Park Min-young and Lee Beom-soo, the show is scheduled to go on air on May 26 after the current "Supper of the Gods" ends its run.

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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