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Yoo Jae-seok, Lee Hyori share grand prize at SBS Entertainment Awards

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Korean entertainers Yoo Jae-seok and Lee Hyori shared the grand prize at the year-end SBS Entertainment Awards, held at SBS' Open Hall on Wednesday.

Yoo, who won the same title yesterday at MBC, was so nervous and ecstatic that he could not carry on with his speech.
"I don't know how to express my gratitude," said Yoo in his acceptance speech. "This is too big of an award for me. I won a big award yesterday and I don't know if I should keep receiving these awards. Thank you so much, I can't think of what to say. Can Hyori go first?"

Singer Hyori shared her thoughts in front of the mic. "I'm a singer but I think they gave me this award because I didn't win last year and they want me to keep working hard."

She then went on to finish her acceptance speech for the People's Choice award. "I always feel like I'm not good enough. I want to be entertaining but when I can't think of any ideas, Yoo Jae-seok encourages me and gives me strength."
The two stars - who appear together in popular variety show "Family Outing" - were both ecstatic and emotional over their win. Yoo suggested to Lee that they wrap up the ceremony by dancing together, which Lee eagerly accepted.

Hyori and Lee Seung-gi were voted Most Popular Stars by fans while Super Junior members Lee Teuk and Eunhyuk were named Best Newcomers in variety show category.

Television personality Boom, who is currently serving in the military, showed up at the event while on a special leave from service. He commented that he misses his family and girlfriend.

"2009 SBS Entertainment Awards - List of Winners"

▲ Grand Prize : Yoo Jae-seok, Lee Hyori

▲ People's Choice - Most Popular Star : Lee Seung-gi, Lee Hyori

▲ First Prize - Best MC : Kim Yong-man, Kim Won-hee
▲ First Prize - Best TV Program : "Heart of Steel"

▲ Best TV Couple : Kim Gura, Moon Hee-joon
▲ Best Teamwork : "Family Outing"

▲ Second Prize - Variety Show : Cho Hye-ryun, Jang Yun-jeong, Shin Bong-seon
▲ Second Prize - Comedy Show : Lee Sang-joon, Kim Yong-myung

▲ Producer's Choice - Best MC : Kim Jung-eun
▲ Producer's Choice - TV Star : Yang Jeong-ah, Kim Gook-jin

▲ Life Achievement Award : Jo Young-gu

▲ Best Television Writer : Choi Moon-kyung ("Here Comes Gold Miss")
▲ Best Radio DJ : Song Eun-yi, Shin Bong-seon, Kim Chang-ryul
▲ Best Anchorman : Park Seon-young

▲ Best Newcomer - Variety Show : Lee Teuk, Eunhyuk, Boom
▲ Best Newcomer - Comedy Show : Jung Min-kyu

Reporter : Kang Seung-hun tarophine@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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