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Han Ga-in signs with Kim Ha-neul's agency

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Top South Korean actress Han Ga-in has signed with Kim Ha-neul's agency J.One+ Entertainment, according to the talenthouse on Thursday.

"She has a strong will to do a wide range of work while receiving organized management under a stable agency such as ours," said J.One+ CEO Kim Hyo-jin in a press release.
"It is a matter of time before she returns to the screen with a new role," Kim added of the actress who had only been appearing in several television commercials since marrying actor Yeon Jung-hoon in 2005.

The 27-year-old actress, who debuted in TV series "Sunshine Hunting" in 2000, has appeared in several dramas including "Yellow Handkerchief", where she met her spouse and "Super Rookie" co-starring Eric from boy band Shinhwa. She is also one of the most sought-after faces in the TV commercial industry.

Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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