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SISTAR holds off Busker Busker, sits atop Gaon chart "Alone"

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SISTAR's Hyolyn(top left), Dasom(top right), Bora(bottom left) and Soyou(bottom right) [Starship Entertainment]

SISTAR's Hyolyn(top left), Dasom(top right), Bora(bottom left) and Soyou(bottom right) [Starship Entertainment]

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K-pop group SISTAR has debuted atop Gaon’s singles chart, notching their first win on the list since its release two weeks ago.

With the title tune “Alone” from the first mini-album of the same name, the “Ma Boy” and “So Cool” singers blocked indie band Busker Busker from earning their third victory on the chart last week, according to Gaon’s data compiled between April 15 and 21.
Busker Busker’s “Cherry Blossom Ending” slipped a slot down to No. 2, while “First Love” and “Yeosu Night Sea” both moved up a rung to bow at No. 4 and No. 5, respectively, Gaon’s website showed.

Meanwhile, 4minute’s “Volume Up” off the third mini-album of the same title, has dropped down to the third spot from the week before.

Just outside the top tier, Huh Gak’s “A Someone Who Loved Me,” Nell’s “The Day Before,” Busker Busker’s “The Flower,” Yangpa, Davichi and HANNA’s collaboration, “Love is All the Same,” and Noel’s “Leaving” rounded up the top 10.
On the album chart, however, SISTAR's album "Alone" did not do so well comparing to its record on the singles chart, and came in at No. 3.

Instead, Nell's fifth studio album "Slip Away" rang at No.1, making its debut atop the chart just a little over two weeks since its release.

Additionally, CNBLUE's third mini-album "EAR FUN" rose a rung to the second spot on the same chart.

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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