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"Seon-deok" ratings drop but remains atop weekly chart

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MBC's TV series "Queen Seon-deok" continued to maintain its place on top of Korea's TV ratings chart last week, according to statistics released by TNS Media Korea on Monday.

"Seon-deok" topped the chart again during the week of November 23 to 29 with a 35.7 percent viewership rating although the figure plunged by 4.3 percent compared to the previous week.
The ratings for the historical pic had been gaining steadily since its premiere in late May to peak at 44.7 percent, but started seeing its ratings drop after the exit of actress Koh Hyeon-jeong two week ago.

Koh had played a royal concubine named Mi-shil who exerted extreme power over King Jinji during the Silla Kingdom. She had been appraised for her acting in the drama and was considered the main force behind its success.

Meanwhile, KBS2 TV's blockbuster drama "Iris", closed in on its gap with "Seon-deok", as more viewers watched the series than the previous week to stand at No.2 with a 32.3 percent rating. Daily drama "Jolly Widows" of KBS1 scored a 30.7 percent rating.
KBS variety show "Happy Sunday" remained atop the non-drama category with a 24.4 percent rating. SBS's "Family Outing" and MBC's "Infinite Challenge" were also on the list with ratings of 22.4 and 19.5 respectively.

Reporter: Linda Kim lindakim@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>



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