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Won Bin hops onto summer action film

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Korean actor Won Bin has decided to take on action as his second choice of genre since making a comeback to the big screen earlier this year with film "Mother", according to a press release on Tuesday.

The film, tentatively titled "Ah-jjeo-sshii", is about a lonely, reclusive man and his relationship with the only girl who opened up to him. Won will play the lead character, producer Opus Pictures said in the statement.
The movie directed by Lee Jeong-beom of "Cruel Winter Blues will go into shoot at the end of the year and be released next summer.

The 31-year-old actor debuted in 1997 with TV series "Propose" with his breakthrough role coming three years later in KBS drama "Autumn Fairy Tale", in which he co-starred with two other Hallyu stars Song Seung-hun and Song Hye-kyo.

He made his movie debut in "Guns & Talks" in 2001 and has not returned to television since. He last appeared in director Bong Joon-ho's critically acclaimed film "Mother" this year, the first film he took on since completing South Korea's mandatory military service.

Reporter : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
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