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B.A.P to kick off 1st showcase tour in Asia

스크랩 글자크기

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B.A.P at their autograph session in Seoul, South Korea on June 10, 2012. [TS Entertainment]

B.A.P at their autograph session in Seoul, South Korea on June 10, 2012. [TS Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘

After just five months of making their official debut, Korean boy band B.A.P is gearing up to set off on the group's first-ever Asia tour.

A rep with TS Entertainment told 10Asia over the phone on Monday that B.A.P will hit the road soon in attempt to showcase themselves and their music to a wider audience, with the first stop in Malaysia on July 6.
"The format will be similar to their debut showcase that opened in Seoul in January this year. The boys will hold an hour-long performance followed by other events, such as a question and answer session, and play games with their fans," the official said.

The boys will then head over to Thailand for their second showcase on July 8 and to Taiwan on September 22, the official explained.

Before kicking off their grand tour, B.A.P will grace the stage at K-POP Nation Concert being held at the Cotai Arena in Macao on July 2, alongside top K-pop acts Girls' Generation, U-Kiss and SHINee.
B.A.P -- formed of Bang Yong-guk, Him Chan, Zelo, Jong-up, Young-jae and Dae-hyun -- kicked off their activities by dropping the debut album "WARRIOR" this January.

Though they are still in the early stages of their singing career, B.A.P has achieved quite a success, having entered the top 10 on the Billboard's hip-hop album charts in Norway, the United States, Australia, Japan, Netherlands and Canada.

The boys recently finished promoting their second single "POWER" and held an encore autograph session in Yongsan, the central part of Seoul, over the weekend.

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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