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Kim Beom watched foreign films to prep for TV series role

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Actor Kim Beom speaks during the press conference for new broadcasting station jTBC's TV series "Padam Padam" held in Seoul, South Korea on November 30, 2011. [Baggat]

Actor Kim Beom speaks during the press conference for new broadcasting station jTBC's TV series "Padam Padam" held in Seoul, South Korea on November 30, 2011. [Baggat]

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Korean actor Kim Beom says he watched several foreign films in order to play his role in "Padam Padam," new broadcasting station jTBC's first TV series.

Kim made the remark during the press conference for "Padam Padam" held in Seoul on Wednesday while telling local reporters on what he did in order to prepare himself to play Lee Kook-soo, an individual who believes he is an angel.
"There weren't any local productions for me to refer to since this is the first time a character like Kook-soo is making an appearance in a Korean series," Kim said.

"That is why I watched several foreign films which were a lot of help such as this French film 'Angel-A' in which the female lead who is human becomes an angel after falling in love."

"And in order to portray the gesture of having wings, I referred a lot to the baby in French movie 'Ricky' as well as John Travolta's film 'Michael.'"
He then explained that he lost 11 kilograms and worked out before taking on the show because of the skin-baring scenes.

"There were more skin-baring scenes than I thought there'd be because Kook-soo likes to sleep without his shirt since he believes that his wings come out at night."

In "Padam Padam," Kook-soo (Kim) acts as a guardian angel to Yang Kang-chul (played by Jung Woo-sung) who is released from prison after 16 years for a murder that he did not commit. He tries to show Yang the good and bad of the world and tells him that three miracles will happen in his life.

The series, a collaboration by scenarist Noh Hee-kyung and producer Kim Kyu-tae of KBS' "Worlds Within," will air every Monday and Tuesday night on JoongAng Ilbo's new general programming cable channel jTBC starting December 5.

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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