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Jang Nara says will never do movie with dad again

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Singer and actress Jang Nara said Wednesday that she will never again appear in a movie her dad makes.

Jang made the remark during a press conference for her new film "Sky and Sea" co-produced by Christmas Entertainment and JNdivertisseme, a production company owned by her father.
"My dad was supposed to invest just a little but he ended up making a full-scale investment as the film started facing difficulties," Jang said. "He told me this when I was half-way into shooting the movie and I couldn't sleep that night."

She said her dad kept sending her to China from then on early this year to shoot several commercials and hold concerts but that he ended up investing all the money she made into the film.

"I thank and love him dearly but I might die if he makes another movie," Jang added jokingly of her dad who has also been managing her career since her debut.
Jang has had a successful singing and acting career in Korea and China since her debut in 2001.

"Sky", about the friendship between three stars of the movie also including singer and actress Juni and actor Yu A-in, is set for release on October 29. Jang shed about seven kilograms from her usual 45 kilograms to play the role of a girl with Savant Syndrome in the film.

Reporter : Park So-yoen muse@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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