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f(x) Victoria, Kangta to Teach Music to Underprivileged Children in China

스크랩 글자크기

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f(x) members Victoria (left), Amber (second to left), Krystal (second to right), and Luna (right) stand in front of reporters during the preview session of SM Entertainment's S.M.ART EXHIBITION held at the COEX Mall in Seoul on August 9, 2012. [Lee Ki-won/10Asia]

f(x) members Victoria (left), Amber (second to left), Krystal (second to right), and Luna (right) stand in front of reporters during the preview session of SM Entertainment's S.M.ART EXHIBITION held at the COEX Mall in Seoul on August 9, 2012. [Lee Ki-won/10Asia]

원본보기 아이콘

Korea’s top agency SM Entertainment and big media group CJ E&M are joining forces to support underprivileged children in China.

SM Entertainment and CJ E&M are taking part in social contribution activities in Beijing, China on November 1 and 2, to provide the opportunities for the children to engage in cultural education, an official from SM said in a statement Tuesday.
"Along with remodeling old school facilities, we will also run a music class attended by Hallyu artists," an official from CJ E&M was quoted as saying.

Celebrating the 20th anniversary of Korea and China's diplomatic ties, this is only the first corporate social responsibility project to come using the "China Friendship Foundation for Peace and Development CJ CGV Harmony Fund." The fund was found in June by CJ CGV, an affiliate of CJ E&M, and The Chinese People′s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries.

Gaining fresh momentum in the humanitarian activity, singer Kangta and Victoria of girl group f(x) are to give music and dance lessons themselves, the officials added.
"Everyone's excited about Korea's top talent agency and media group are setting out such a meaningful event," a staff related to the event in China said in the statement.

"The students are upbeat about seeing Hallyu stars with their eyes."

Singer Kangta waves his hands in front of local reporters at the VIP preview of "Dangerous Liaisons," held at Yeouido's CGV movie theater in Seoul on October 10, 2012. [Daisy Entertainment]

Singer Kangta waves his hands in front of local reporters at the VIP preview of "Dangerous Liaisons," held at Yeouido's CGV movie theater in Seoul on October 10, 2012. [Daisy Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘

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