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[INTERVIEW] Actor Cho Seung-woo - Part 2

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Cho Seung-woo [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

Cho Seung-woo [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

원본보기 아이콘

<#10_QMARK#> This movie has had so much of an influence on you that you've fallen in love with baseball so I think that player Choi Dong-won must hold a different sort of significance to you.
Cho Seung-woo
: I had actually only heard of his name before shooting the movie. But through the various material that I looked up on him while preparing for the movie, I realized that he's a very humane person. So I wish the movie hadn't ended up editing out so many of the scenes that showed that.

<#10_QMARK#> "Perfect Game" will be your big screen comeback excluding "Peach Tree" which has yet to be released in theaters. Has anything changed from before you went to the military?
: Before going to the army, I usually did one movie and then one musical. That's just about all I had time for in a year. But I've worked on four projects since being discharged from the military. It's great getting to work on so many projects. After starting with "Jekyll & Hyde," I shot "Peach Tree" and "Perfect Game," and now I'm working on musical "Zorro" and although my body is exhausted, I feel good in mind. To the point that it's become a habit for me to say, "Wow, I'm really happy." I have so much fun when I'm working. And what's more fun is the interesting sights I'm seeing after my military discharge. [laughs] Whether I'm on a movie set or musical rehearsal studio, everyone calls me their senior. Even the assistant director for "Perfect Game" did. I don't think I should be called it yet but it was interesting to see and it also made me proud of the fact that I've come a long way too. That's why whether it's an independent film or not, as long as I have time to, I'm going to try to do whatever makes my heart beat. I'm not young anymore and there are a lot of new talents entering the musical industry as well.
<#10_QMARK#> A lot of idol stars are expanding their careers into musicals and threatening your ticket power as well. [laugh]
: They're better than me. There are so many kids that are good. Xiah Junsu appeared like a comet. [laughs] But it makes me happy. As long as they have the right mindset. And they'll be successful as long as they don't miss out on rehearsals.

Cho Seung-woo [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

Cho Seung-woo [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

원본보기 아이콘
<#10_QMARK#> I think you're showing a lot of new sides to you through "Zorro." It's funnier than any other project you've worked on and in it, you show your funny side to you with a lot of freedom.
: I'm actually quite goofy. So it's great that I'm playing Diego. "Zorro" contains all of the things I know how to do right now. I have danced since high school, the magic was what I did when helping the magician officer when in the army, I learned the martial arts skills when doing "The Sword with No Name" and the kicking and martial arts are what I'd done since "Raging Years." And comedy is a form of acting I've always enjoyed.

<#10_QMARK#> You said you're goofy but the Cho Seung-woo that the public knows of is an actor who is very serious and acts well. They don't know too much about your personal life.
: People say that they think I'd be very quiet and composed. But I'm really goofy, not cold at all, kind and I talk well to people as well. A lot of people say they think I'd be quiet like Park Hae-il but he's actually really funny as well and a great drinker. Yu Hae-jin is rather the graceful type. People think that he'd be the type that would drink soju at some bar but he takes photographs when he goes on trips alone and drinks wine at home. I went to his house once and it's in the Provence style with white furniture... You shouldn't judge people by their looks. [laughs] My interests these days are vintage stereo systems, baseball, animal companions and "Zorro."
<#10_QMARK#> I noticed that you complimented actor Yang Dong-geun a lot while doing your interviews for "Perfect Game." You even said he's a genius when it comes to acting.
: I think he's the type of actor that would work in any market, whether it be Europe or the U.S. or Asia. That's how a wide a variety of images he has and he has this great smile when he laughs while being chatty.

<#10_QMARK#> I think the age 30 has a special meaning for everyone since it's when there's a lot to think about because you're neither young nor old. Hence I think you must have a lot of things to think about as well.
: I actually had a lot of thoughts when I was in my twenties. And the military was what put fetters on my life during that time. I debuted when I was 20 and went to the military just days before I turned 30. So for nine years, I'd lived a nightmare. After I got my physical examination to go to the military, I couldn't get a passport and wasn't allowed to go overseas, treated as if I was a criminal. So after I turned 28, the military was constantly my biggest concern and I did a lot of invaluable thinking about my life. I acted like a grown up because it's the age that you just want to be like that. Not that I'm any different now but it was worse back then. So I feel much freer after getting the military off my back. I'm happy that now, everything is starting anew including my acting career, my life, and everything that is fun. That is why I took on so many projects as soon as I was done with the military and I've been happy since. Oh, there are moments that I'm not happy. When I have to go for reserve forces training. [laughs] That's why until the day I get married, I'm going to continue to be childish. They say that when women get married, they feel like they're raising two kids including the husband so all I need to do is meet a woman who will accept my childish ways. I'm going to try to live with a younger mindset because I've been living like a grown up since I was in my teens.

<#10_QMARK#> And until what age do you plan to be childish?
: Until I meet a wise woman who tells me "That's enough." [laughs]

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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