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[INTERVIEW] Model-actor Song Jong-ho

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Song Jong-ho [Chae ki-won/10Asia]

Song Jong-ho [Chae ki-won/10Asia]

원본보기 아이콘

My name is Song Jong-ho. I play Shin Myun in KBS TV series "The Princess' Man."
Shin Myun... Shin Myun... He's becoming increasingly spiteful but I think he has more than enough of a reason to. I think he's getting tired, not just obsessing over Se-ryung (Moon Chae-won). Also, his sense of inferiority against Seung-yoo (Park Si-hoo) is increasing and the people he loves are dying, one after another.
I think Shin Myun is the most realistic character. I think I couldn't help but be like him too if I was in the position where I'd die if I didn't kill. And this may be because I'm playing him but I feel most sorry for him. Even the writer of the show said the other two couples become adults through love but Myun is a character who has stopped at childhood because he hasn't received a single warm glance from a loving person. One who only gets used by others after roaming about like a lost orphan. So I didn't get why he kept getting spiteful at first but hearing that about him helped solve my curiosity a bit.
I'd want to play Shin Myun even if I got to do this drama again. I learned a lot even if I got criticized a lot. Myun is more attractive to me than Seung-yoo.
Honestly, I feel very frustrated. I wonder why Myun keeps acting the way he does when Seung-yoo and Se-ryung like each other so much. He keeps bringing her back although she doesn't want it and Seung-yoo will come and take her back again. (laugh) He should just leave them alone. If it were me, I wouldn't become so obsessive or crazy over love. It just becomes too hard for everyone involved.
Lee Min-woo helps a lot with my acting. He may be the same age as me but I call him my teacher because he has 31 years of acting experience. (laugh) He's just so good that I can't even start comparing myself to him. He monitors my work and we keep in touch often on a personal level as well.
"The Princess' Man" is my first historical drama. And I had no sense of historical dramas so I told myself that all I should go with the classical cadence or things such as that. But once I started on it, I got very worried because it was hard even to just act out a single word. So I just went head in and learned things along the way.
My voice is on the deep, slow and low side which helps with historical dramas. On the other hand, the hanbok [traditional attire] seems awkward at times because I'm tall. But when I monitor myself, I look at whether I suited the situation and was natural rather than the exterior things such as how my clothes look. I don't want to become a nuisance for the show so there's no time for me to think about whether I look good in the hanbok or not.
What was uncomfortable in the beginning because I was tall was that my face would look like a dough of bread because I was shot upwards from low angles. (laugh) The cameramen ended up raising the angle for me later on when they saw that I kept spreading my legs.

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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