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Taecyeon hopes to show new side of 2PM through concert

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2PM perform for the first stop of their "2PM HANDS UP ASIA TOUR" in Seoul, South Korea on September 2, 2011. [JYP Entertainment]

2PM perform for the first stop of their "2PM HANDS UP ASIA TOUR" in Seoul, South Korea on September 2, 2011. [JYP Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘

Korean idol Taecyeon of boy band 2PM had said he hopes to show a different side to 2PM through their upcoming series of concerts.

He made the comment during a press conference held ahead of performing for the first stop of their “2PM HANDS UP ASIA TOUR” in Seoul, South Korea on September 2 while speaking of the group’s hopes and expectations for their concert.
“It’s an honor to be touring the Asia region during the K-pop boom and this concert tour will give us an opportunity to show fans who 2PM really is as well as a different side to us," he said.

Taecyeon explained, "We stayed up all night for several days in order to prepare for our concert and we gave our input on the various ideas and the songs to be sung at the show," while Chansung added that the concert and their solo performances will "definitely show who 2PM" is to the fans.

The press conference ended with each of the members commenting on how they are all anxious on seeing their fans overseas and hope to do their best in the upcoming shows.
2PM then kicked off their concert at the Jamsil Indoor Stadium in front of some 7,000 local and international fans from Japan, Thailand, Taiwan and China with their songs "HOT," "Electricity" and "Hands Up" from their second full-length album "HANDS UP."

The concert continued with a remix version of "I Was Crazy About You" and "Waiting For You" followed by the first-ever duo performance of song "Next to Me" by Junho and Woo-young.

2PM also sang ballads "I Can't," "Give it to Me" while Nichkhun and Taecyeon gave their performance of "My Valentine" and "Itaewon Freedom" with special guest stars UV.

Their second concert featured a solo martial arts performance by Chansung and Junsu rocked the stage with his song "Alive" while the group took to the stage for their past hit songs including "I'll Be Back," "Without U," "10 Out of 10," "Again and Again" and "Heartbeat."

2PM, who made their debut in 2008, will then head off to Taiwan on October 8, Indonesia on November 11, Singapore on November 19, Malaysia on November 25, the Philippines on November 27 and Beijing in mid-November for the "2PM HANDS UP ASIA TOUR" and then wrap up their year in Japan with their nationwide tour.

2PM perform for the first stop of their "2PM HANDS UP ASIA TOUR" in Seoul, South Korea on September 2, 2011. [JYP Entertainment]

2PM perform for the first stop of their "2PM HANDS UP ASIA TOUR" in Seoul, South Korea on September 2, 2011. [JYP Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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