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Photos from new Micky Yoochun drama revealed

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Singer Micky Yoochun is readying to make his official acting debut as an old-time scholar, as revealed in the behind-the-scenes photos from the set of upcoming TV series "Sungkyunkwan Scandal."

The show's promoter YTREE MEDIA said in a press release on Friday that producers have unveiled a teaser pic of Micky Yoochun, wearing traditional Korean clothes and hat, as well as a group photo featuring three other main characters.
The pop idol has been cast in the drama, which is set in the Chosun Dynasty, to play a Confucian scholar named Lee Seon-joon who falls in love with a woman in disguise as a man.

He will be playing one of the four characters, or the so-called "Jal-geum Foursome," alongside actors Yu A-in, Song Joong-ki and actress Park Min-young.

"We know that expectations are extremely high for the 'Jal-geum Foursome,' so the cast and crew are working that much harder in every scene of the show," an official at production company Raemong Rain was quoted as saying. "We plan to repay the fan's passionate support by releasing various behind-the-scenes photos and anecdotes on set through the show's official homepage."
The website (www.성균관스캔들.com) for the historical drama, based on a best-selling novel by Korean writer Jeong Eun-kwol, is scheduled to open on July 12.

Micky Yoochun, whose real name is Park Yoochun, debuted in 2004 as part of five-member boy band TVXQ. The group became one of the most successful K-pop acts in the country and throughout Asia, selling numerous albums and setting the Guinness record for having the largest official fan club in the world.

Despite their phenomenal success, TVXQ announced that they will no longer be working as a group in Korea nor Japan and that the members will go their separate ways to pursue individual careers.

The break-up of the band started last July due to a legal dispute between three of its members -- Xiah Junsu, Hero Jaejoong and Micky Yoochun -- and major talenthouse SM Entertainment over their 13-year exclusive contract. The trio have since formed a new group under Japanese management agency Avex.

Micky had previously appeared in several television shows including "Banjun Theater", "Vacation" and popular sitcom "Nonstop - Season 6" (MBC, 2006).

Reporter : Lynn Kim lynn2878@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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