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A reunion in 7 years: Yonsama and Jiwoohime

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Will the voices of “Yonsama” and “Jiwoohime” take Japan by storm once again? Sevens years after the initial airing of the hit television series in 2002, the animation version of “Winter Sonata”, the drama that started the Hallyu sensation, will soon air in Japan.

The press conference celebrating the production of “Winter Sonata~ Another Story~”, set to air October 17 in Japan, was held at Tokyo Baycourt Club on Tuesday. In attendance were the two stars, Bae Yong-joon and Choi Ji-woo, who played the lead roles in both the drama and the animation version, as well as some 250 journalists from about 100 media companies.
"(In the animation) What was most difficult was having to express the sense of existence through breath and sound, without saying any lines. I think radio actors are incredible.” Bae said of dubbing for “Winter Sonata~ Another Story~”, which is 30 percent complete.
Choi also shared her story. “It is hard trying to express everything with a voice and in such a tiny place. When I had to act out a running scene, I was running like crazy in the studio. I was embarrassed because there were people outside, but I’m getting used to it now.”

Regarding the drawings of Joon-sang and Yoo-jin in the animated version, Bae commented, “I am very grateful because he looks so young”.

“She looks a lot cuter and prettier than she really is, so I’m having a hard time dubbing because I have to act more cheerful than I did in the drama," joked Choi.
“Winter Sonata~ Another Story~”, a half-hour 16-episode series, tells the story of Joon-sang and Yoo-jin three years after they parted ways at the airport, each leaving for New York and France.

The animation was directed by Ahn Jae-hoon, who directed many animation films including “Dream of a Precious Day” and written by Kim Hyeong-wan who wrote “Superstar Mr. Gam”. Singer Yoo Hye-joon, who sang “From Beginning to Now”, the theme song to “Winter Sonata”, participated as the musical director.

Besides Bae and Choi, actor Ryu Seung-soo reprised his role in the animation as the friend “Yoong-gook”. The role of “Sang-hyuk”, originally played by Park Yong-ha, was voiced by singer Kang Yo-hwan and “Chae-rin” was dubbed by newcomer Lee Sena in place of Park Sol-mi.

A 79-minute DVD containing scenes of the artists dubbing for the animation and other behind-the-scenes footage of “Winter Sonata~ Another Story~” was released on September 18. The animation itself will starting airing October 17 on DATV, an exclusive Korea-Asia entertainment contents channel launching October 1.

Reporter : Choi Ji-Eun five@10asia.co.kr
Photographer : Lee Jin-hyuk eleven@10asia.co.kr
Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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