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Super Junior Donghae, Eunhyuk to release duet song

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Super Junior members Donghae (left) and Eunhyuk [SM Entertainment]

Super Junior members Donghae (left) and Eunhyuk [SM Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘

Super Junior members Donghae and Eunhyuk have come together to sing a duet song, according to their agency SM Entertainment on Friday.

A press release by SM said that the two will release a digital single named "Your Guy is Here" (translated title) which they had revealed at the first show to their fourth world tour which kicked off in Seoul in November.
Donghae and Eunhyuk will also promote the song on televised music shows including on KBS' "Music Bank" on December 16 and SBS' "Inkigayo" two days later.

Donghae, 25, has also been a member of Super Junior-M, a sub-unit of Super Junior which focuses its activities in the China region, and has led an acting career as well.

Eunhyuk, also 25, is considered the best dancer of his currently ten-member boy band which is considered one of the most successful K-pop bands in the world since their debut in 2005.
Super Junior will are now set to make their next stop for their tour in Japan on December 10 and 11 and then head off to various cities in Asia including Beijing, Taipei, Bangkok and Singapore as well as the Americas and Europe.

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