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4minute holds showcase in Japan last week

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Korean pop group 4minute held a showcase in Japan last week, according to their agency Play Cube Entertainment.

Play Cube explained that the five-member girl band performed in front of some 2,500 fans at the showcase, held at Tokyo's Shibuya-AX concert hall on March 5.
The event, hosted by noted emcee and deejay Akasaka, was also attended by local entertainment industry executives who showed up to see the group who have yet to release an album in the country.

The girl group -- composed of Jihyun, Gayoon, Jiyoon, HyunA and Sohyun -- debuted in June 2009 with the single "Hot Issue".

They enjoyed huge success with their subsequent mini-album "For Muzik", which has topped various music charts in Asia including Korea, Taiwan and the Philippines.

Reporter : Park Kun-ouc kun1112@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>



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