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“Reaching for the Stars” Picks Up 1st Win, KBS Dominate Ratings Chart

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KBS "Reaching for the Stars" cast members Jo Dong-hyuk (top left), Seo Ji-hye (top right), Moon Bo-ryung (bottom left) and Go Se-won (bottom right) pose in the poster of the drama that began airing on May 7, 2012. [KBS]

KBS "Reaching for the Stars" cast members Jo Dong-hyuk (top left), Seo Ji-hye (top right), Moon Bo-ryung (bottom left) and Go Se-won (bottom right) pose in the poster of the drama that began airing on May 7, 2012. [KBS]

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Led by the daily TV series “Reaching for the Stars," major broadcast KBS has dominated the ratings chart's top five.

KBS “Reaching for the Stars” claimed its first win on the weekly TV ratings chart by attracting 28.6 percent of the total viewers during the second week of September, according to data compiled by TNmS [Total National Multimedia Statistics] Monday.
Since hitting the airwaves on May 7, the family drama, starring actor Jo Dong-hyuk and actress Seo Ji-hye, have been attracting a stable number of viewership ratings but its attempt to take over the throne was halted by KBS' weekend drama "My Husband Got a Family."

Chasing fast after the chart-topper is KBS weekend drama “Seo-young, My Daughter,” starring actor Park Hae-jin and actress Lee Bo-young.

The drama, which kicked up with high expectations after the success of its previous TV series, "My Husband," earned ratings of 26.2 percent during the same time frame.
In the meantime, “KBS 9 o’clock News” and KBS comedy program “Gag Concert” sat at No. 3 and No. 4, respectively, by drawing in 22.5 and 21.8 percent of the viewers.

“The 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil - Final Preliminaries: Asia [South Korea vs. Uzbekistan],” carried live by KBS, saw 20. 1 percent rating and rounded out the top five.

Other notable programs in the top ten are SBS’ variety show “I Like Sundays,” MBC’ weekend series “May Queen,” MBC’ daily drama “Angel’s Choice,” MBC historical fantasy “Tale of Arang” and SBS’ comic documentary “Wow How.”

Meanwhile, AGB Nielson Media Research's data compiled between September 10 and 16 showed the programs in the same order but with slightly different numbers from the TNmS'.

While “Reaching for the Stars” ruled the chart with 25.7 percent of the audience tuned in, "Seo-young, My Daughter" and "KBS 9 o'clock News" got the No, 2 and No. 3 titles by recording 22.7 and 21.2 percent respectively last week.

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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