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Kim Soo-hyun lands role of North Korean spy in new movie

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Kim Soo-hyun [KEYEAST]

Kim Soo-hyun [KEYEAST]

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Korean actor Kim Soo-hyun has been tapped to play a North Korean spy in an upcoming movie, according to his agency KEYEAST on Monday.

KEYEAST said that Kim will take on the role of Won Ryu-hwan, who is the leader of a group of spies that are known for their handsome looks, in the film "Secret to Greatness" (translated title) set to crank in this July.
Based on the cartoon by Hun, "Secret to Greatness" will follow the story of Won, who is abandoned by the North that has the ability to read people while he acts like a countryside fool. It will be helmed by auteur Juhn Jai-hong who directed last year's hit movie "Poongsan."

Kim has appeared in several dramas since making his debut on the small screen with a role in MBC's sitcom "Kimchi Cheese Smile" in 2008.

He recently played a king in MBC's hit series "The Moon Embracing the Sun" and will soon promote his upcoming action pic "The Thieves" with high-profile movie stars including Kim Hye-soo, Jun Ji-hyun and Kim Yun-seok.
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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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