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BoA uploads picture with "Athena" star Jung Woo-sung

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Korean songstress BoA and top Korean actor Jung Woo-sung [Official BoA Twitter]

Korean songstress BoA and top Korean actor Jung Woo-sung [Official BoA Twitter]

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Korean songstress BoA posted a picture with actor Jung Woo-sung on her official Twitter account today.

The photograph reveals four separate images of herself and Jung posing with serious faces and a comment below saying, "'Athena' will premiere this December. I want to thank my handsome bodyguard and the staff for giving me such great memories. Let's go 'Athena'!!"
Fans who have seen the picture responded, "The concept of the picture is so cute! I can't wait to see 'Athena.' and "Unni [older sister in Korean] I can't wait to see you on the show! You look so cute and pretty! ^^"

In August, SM announced that BoA will make a special guest appearance in the drama as a top female singer who will be faced with a hostage situation by terrorists before her concert, while being protected by her bodyguard Jung-woo (Jung).

"Athena," featuring a star-studded cast of Cha Seung-won, Soo Ae, E Ji-ah, Kim Min-jong and Super Junior's Choi Si-won, is about terrorist acts and threats against the Korean Peninsula and the whole world.
Known as one of the biggest pop stars in the local and international scene, BoA has released many albums in Korea and Japan as well as making her debut in the U.S. music scene earlier last year.

She recently returned to the local music scene, promoting her repackaged sixth album "Copy&Paste" on various televised music programs.

Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@

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