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Lupe Fiasco to perform in Korea this summer

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U.S. hip-hop artist Lupe Fiasco will be visiting Korea this summer to perform at the "Summer Week&T 2010" music festival (www.summerweeknt.com), according to concert organizer SK Telecom on Monday.

SK Telecom announced in a press release that Fiasco will be headlining the music fest alongside hip-hop superstar Kanye West, who last month was also named one of the major performers at the event.
"Lupe Fiasco is a promising hip-hop talent discovered by Kanye West and the two musicians are currently preparing a project album together," an official at SK Telecom was quoted as saying. "We expect that this will be a significant performance where you will be able to witness the present and the future of 21st century hip-hop music."

The annual music fest, to be held at Naksan beach on August 6 and 7, is a grand scale concert that will feature some of the biggest names in the local and global music business.

The event is the latest in a series of mega-scale culture projects that Korea's mobile giant has been organizing since last year. Previous concert gigs -- "Rock Festival Week&T", "Beachparty Week&T" and "Jazz Week&T" -- were all promoted under the theme 'a joyful week with T.'
"Summer Week&T 2010" will feature urban, hip-hop and electronic music with all-night partying motifs taken from Thai island Koh Phangan and Spanish island Ibiza.

Born Wasalu Muhammad Jaco in Chicago, Fiasco released his debut album "Lupe Fiasco's Food & Liquor" in 2006 which was co-produced by hip-hop moguls Jay-Z and Kanye West. "Daydreamin," his third single from the record, won the Grammy in 2008 for Best Urban/Alternative Performance.

His second album "Lupe Fiasco's The Cool," released in December 2007, sold over half a million copies in the U.S. and was nominated in four categories including Best Rap Album at the 2009 Grammy Awards.

Fiasco is scheduled to release his third record titled "Lasers" this summer.

Korean artists newly announced in the line-up for "Summer Week&T 2010" include DJ DOC, The Quiett, DOK2, House Rulez, JAZZYIVY, Jungoon & Jjapa and One Soul Band.

Tickets for the festival will be available on 11st (www.11st.co.kr) and Interpark (ticket.interpark.com) at a 40 percent discount (KRW 96,000 won for two-day ticket) until July 7, 2 p.m.

Original prices are marked at KRW 120,000 won for one-day and 160,000 won for two-day tickets. SK Telecom members are eligible for a 30 percent discount.

Reporter : Lynn Kim lynn2878@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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