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PSY Jumps to No. 11 on Billboard

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Korean rapper PSY shows his horse-riding dance in a still-shot of the music video for "Gangnam Style," revealed on July 15, 2012. [YG Entertainment]

Korean rapper PSY shows his horse-riding dance in a still-shot of the music video for "Gangnam Style," revealed on July 15, 2012. [YG Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘

International sensation PSY has been rewriting history for K-pop musicians with his smash-hit tune "Gangnam Style."

According to data reported by Billboard Friday, "Gangnam Style" sat at No. 11 on Billboard’s coveted Hot 100 chart.
Since making his chart debut as No. 64 last week, the rapper shattered his own record with his song rapidly flying up the charts while it is expected to rank higer on next week's chart.

While "Gangnam Style" has kept his No. 1 status on iTunes top 100 songs charts in over six countries, its soaring international popularity was also spotted on Billboard's various charts.

His catchy tune topped Billboard's Social 50 and soared from No. 25 to No. 4 on its Hot Digital Songs chart this week. The track also ranked at No. 68 on Radio Songs, No. 43 on On-Demand Songs and No. 4 on Korea K-pop Hot 100 chart.
"Gangnam Style," the title track off PSY's sixth studio album "Six Rules, Part. 1" dropped on July 15, has been going viral thanks to his hilarious music video online.

The music video for the track attracted a whopping number of over 226 million views as of Friday afternoon.

Meanwhile, following the footstep of his labelmate PSY, G-Dragon entered top 200 on Billboard's singles chart with “ONE OF A KIND" revealed on September 15 and made his chart debut at No. 161.

G-Dragon poses with a skateboard for "ONE OF A KIND" off the first solo mini-album of the same name released on September 18, 2012. [YG Entertainment]

G-Dragon poses with a skateboard for "ONE OF A KIND" off the first solo mini-album of the same name released on September 18, 2012. [YG Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘

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