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T-ara dance tune claims No.1 on Mnet singles chart

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Girl group T-ara [Core Contents Media]

Girl group T-ara [Core Contents Media]

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A new dance number by a girl group T-ara has come out the winner on last week’s Mnet singles chart.

The seven-member girl band's song “Why Are You Like That" featuring electrical guitar and bass sounds, was ranked on top of music cable channel Mnet’s weekly singles chart from November 22 to 28.
The song is a title track to the group’s second mini-album set to hit stores on December 3.

“If It Were Same,” a ballad by the four-member male group Brown Eyed Soul which in particular highlights Jeong Yeop and Na-Ul's vocals, came in at No.2.

Its music video has also garnered attention as well for featuring actress Han Hye-jin, Na-Ul's actual girlfriend.
The third artist in the run was another ballad, “I Love You,” by M.C. the Max which was released to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the group’s debut.

Members from famous Korean rock band Boohwal took part in composing and featuring in the songs for the album which completed recording in 2007, just before all members of M.C. the Max left for the military to fulfill their mandatory draft duties.

On Mnet's weekly album chart, Brown Eyed Soul’s third full-length album “BROWNEYED SOUL” debuted in first place.

The 15-track album has already placed several of its songs in the top 20 slots of this week’s Mnet singles chart including “If It Were Same”: “Gone” at No.6, “With Chocolate” at No. 11 and “Rainy” at No.19.

Coming in second and third place in terms of album ranking were the Part 1 and 2 soundtracks to ongoing SBS weekend series “Secret Garden” starring Hyun Bin and Ha Ji-won which has been scoring high ratings.

“Secret Garden Part. 1” climbed up three slots from the previous week and “Secret Garden Part 2” eight slots.

Reporter : Heidi Kim heidikim@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@

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