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BEAST meets with foreign media to kick-start career in Asia

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K-pop idols BEAST will hold a press conference today with various foreign media outlets regarding the expansion of their singing career in Asia, according to their agency Cube Entertainment on Friday.

Cube announced in a press release that the members will speak to journalists from six major Asian countries including Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, Hong Kong and Thailand, via a video press conference,
For four hours, the boy band will explain their promotional plans for the Asian region as well as their expectations.

BEAST, which stands for "Boys of the East Standing Tall," debuted in October 2009 with the mini-album "Beast Is The B2ST". They have released several hits including “Bad Girl,” “Shock” and “Easy.”

The group visited Taiwan earlier this year for a concert with girl group 4minute, also managed by agency Cube, which attracted some 5,000 fans.
BEAST will be in the Philippines next week to kick-start their overseas promotional activities.

Reporter : Park Kun-ouc kun1112@
Editor : Lucia Hong luciahong@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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