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U-Kiss to hold concert in the Philippines on June 14

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K-pop idols U-Kiss is scheduled to hold a concert in the Philippines on June 14, according to an official from their agency NH Media on Thursday.

In a phone call with 10Asia today, an official from NH said the boys will be leaving Korea on Sunday and take the stage in Manila next week.
SS501's Kim Hyung-jun, the older brother of U-Kiss member Ki-bum, will be the emcee for the concert.

"The members of U-Kiss are set to return to Korea on June 23 after also participating in showcases in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia," the rep added.

The boy band visited the Philippines two months ago for a showcase at the SM Mall, performing in front of about 20,000 fans.
U-Kiss (Ubiquitous Korean International Super Star), composed of other members Alexander, Soohyun, Ki-seop, Eli, Kevin and Dongho, made their debut in September 2008 with the single album "New Generation."

They have recorded several hits including "Manmanhani," "Round and Round" and "What."

Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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