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Girls' Generation's "Run Devil Run" conquers music charts

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Female idol group Girls' Generation has taken the K-pop scene by storm once again, conquering all online and offline music charts with their new song "Run Devil Run" released earlier this week.

The album containing "Run Devil Run," also the name of their second repackaged album, has been the top selling record on charts by music retailers Hanteo, Hot Track and Synnara since going on sale Monday.
The girls' single has taken over online charts as well, topping the lists of online music providers Melon, Dosirak, Bugs, Soribada and Monkey 3 since the day of its release.

Girls' Generation made a splash in the music industry in 2007 and has since released numerous singles including "Into the New World," "Girls' Generation," "Kissing You," "Baby Baby," "Gee," "Tell Me Your Wish" and "Oh!."

They will continue to promote "Run Devil Run" on televised music programs KBS' "Music Bank," "Music Central," and SBS' "Inkigayo" over the weekend.

Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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