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Epik High interviewed by CNN Talk Asia

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Korean hip-hop band Epik High is set to appear on CNN's Talk Asia, according to their agency Woolim Entertainment on Monday.

The group recently conducted an interview with the show's anchorwoman Anjali Rao, where they talked about their difficulties, success and future ambitions.
"We were glad that CNN showed great interest in the depth and diversity of Korean music," Epik High member Tablo was quoted as saying. "It was an undeserving honor to represent and introduce our own kind of hip-hop to all over the world."

Talk Asia is one of the most prominent documentary interview programs on global news channel CNN, which features influential figures from various realms of society including politics, economics, culture, entertainment and sports.

Other notable Koreans who have previously appeared on the show include soccer player Park Ji-sung, singer Rain and actor Lee Byung-hun.
Epik High -- composed of Tablo, Mithra Jin and DJ Tukutz -- debuted in 2003 with the album "Map of the Human Soul" and gained popularity with the success of their consequent albums "High Society" and "Swan Songs". The group released their sixth album "[e]" in September 2009.

Epik High's interview is scheduled to air worldwide on CNN on April 21.

Reporter : Park Kun-ouc kun1112@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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