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"Seon-deok" remains No. 1 TV show

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MBC's historical drama "Queen Seon-deok" continued its strong run atop the TV ratings chart, taking the No. 1 spot on a TV ratings chart again last week.

"Seon-deok" scored an average 38 percent viewership rating for the week of October 19 to October 25 to remain the most-watched TV show for the second consecutive week, according to statistics released by TNS Media Korea.
The Monday and Tuesday night TV show gave way to "My Too Perfect Sons" during the week of October 5 and again another two weeks ago, but otherwise has been dominating the chart since it started airing in late May.

KBS2 TV's "Iris", starring Hallyu star Lee Byung-hun and popular actress Kim Tae-hee, came in second in with a 27 percent viewership rating while daily soap "Jolly Widows" (KBS1) and weekend drama "Three Brothers" (KBS2) followed with ratings of 23.4 and 22.5 percent, respectively.

In the non-drama category, KBS's "Happy Sunday" topped ratings with a 22.9 percent viewership. KBS2 TV's "Gag Concert" and SBS's "Family Outing" trailed behind with ratings of 19.9 and 19.7 percent, respectively.

Reporter : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>

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