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Stars share travel stories on blog

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Three Korean stars -- Ji Jin-hee, Yoon Kye-sang and Sun Woo-sun -- are sharing stories of their travels on a new blog.

The blog (http://ittravel.tistory.com/) which opened on Monday contains up close and personal photographs of the stars as well as stories and information from their journeys, their agency sidusHQ announced in a press release on Monday.
“‘Star’ and ‘travel’ are two words that make you feel better upon hearing. So we wanted to open to the public the stories of the stars’ trips, and share the joys of traveling by communicating with people,” an official at ‘it Travel’ was quoted as saying. “We are gradually going to offer a variety of information and a lot of stars are going to participate so we ask for your great support.”

The blog is part of the project where a star goes on a journey with a special theme and shares his or her thoughts, feelings and information about the trip by publishing a book series and DVD.

For example, actor Ji Jin-hee, best known for his role opposite Lee Young-ae in 2003’s “Jewel in the Palace”, took a trip to Italy with the theme as wine.
Singer and actor Yoon Kye-sang, one of the members of the formerly popular Korean idol group G.O.D., traveled to Turkey as a photographer.

Actress Sun Woo Sun, who recently appeared in the MBC drama “Queen of Housewives”, spent time relaxing in Guam and Rota Island.

The blog contains photographs taken by the stars as well as their writings, personal tips and recommendations as well as funny anecdotes from the trip.

Reporter : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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