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Actor Shin to publish religious essay in Japan, China

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Korean movie star Shin Hyun-joon will publish a religious essay, titled “Confession” in Japan and China, said his agency on Friday.

Late last year, Shin, a devout Christian, released an essay of autobiographical confessions and personal insight on faith. The first print sold out in two days and is currently in its third print in Korea.
“We recently signed a contract with a Japanese publisher so the book will be sold at bookstores starting next month,”, the actor's agency FrameH announced in a press release on Friday.

The statement said the agency is also in final talks with a Chinese publisher for the book to be released in China at a similar time.

“As an actor, I was very cautious to publish a book but I wanted to leave precious evidence of the joy of faith that I have experienced in life," Shin was quoted as saying in the statement.
The book contains a foreword by international superstar Jackie Chan as well as religious testimonies by other Korean celebrities, including Choi Ji-woo, Kim Won-hee and Nam Hee-seok.

Shin, a public ambassador for National Day for the Handicapped and for the World Refugees, plans to use all his book earnings on building churches in remote places around the world.

The actor starred in the upcoming movie “Kill Me”, to be released near the end of the year, and is set to start shooting Tuesday for his new film “Family Photograph”.

Reporter : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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