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Taeyang to hold solo concert in September

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Taeyang of idol group Big Bang will be giving his first solo concert titled "Solar" in September, according to his agency YG Entertainment (YG) on Friday.

YG announced that the singer will be performing at Seoul's Kyung Hee University on September 4 and 5, making him the second Big Bang member, after G-Dragon, to hold a concert as a solo artist.
The agency also explained that while the first night's show has no age limit, the September 5 concert will only be open to audience over the age of eighteen.

In 2008, the "Global Warning Tour" concert featuring Big Bang and Taeyang, who performed solo for a part of the show, had also only admitted people who were 18 and over.

Born Dong Young-bae, Taeyang was the first Big Bang member to debut as a solo artist, releasing his first mini-album "HOT" in May 2008. The album produced two hit singles "Prayer" and "Look Only at Me."
He has been promoting his first full-length album "Solar" and title track "I Need A Girl," featuring fellow Big Bang member G-Dragon and YG labelmate Sandara Park of girl band 2NE1. "Girl" has been sweeping various online and offline music charts since its release on July 1.

Tickets for the concert will go on sale on Gmarket (http://www.gmarket.co.kr) starting August 3, at 8 p.m.

Reporter : Lynn Kim lynn2878@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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