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Rain makes first visit to Indonesia

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Asian pop sensation Rain visited Indonesia for the first time yesterday, meeting with hundreds of reporters ahead of holding his first concert in the country, his agency said on Wednesday.

He held a press conference at the Ritz-Carlton Jakarta on Tuesday which was attended by some 200 reporters from 100 media companies, J.Tune Entertainment said in a press release.
The 27-year-old singer spoke of his upcoming concert "Legend of Rainism", taking place as part of his Asia tour, to be held at Jakarta's JITEC on December 3. He was also asked about his plans for his acting career in Hollywood and whether he is looking into taking on any new roles in TV series.

Rain, whose real name is Jung Ji-hoon, has been one of the most successful celebrities in the entertainment industry since his debut in 2002.

His singing career has gained him massive popularity throughout Asia and he also appeared in several movies and TV series -- most notably dramas "Full House" and "Sang Doo! Let's Go To School." He recently starred in a Wachowski Brothers production "Ninja Assassin", which opened worldwide last week.

Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>

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