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Ryu Si-won kicks off tour in Japan

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Korean singer and actor Ryu Si-won kicked off his Japan tour over the weekend, according to his agency on Tuesday.

The Tokyo concert, which was held over the weekend of November 14, was attended by some 30,000 fans.
"There's always many mistakes made at the first concert, but as always I did my best for my fans," Ryu was quoted as saying after the concert. "I would like to thank the fans who attended the concert from the bottom of my heart."

R's Company explained that the star's four-city concert in Tokyo, Nagoya, Yokohama and Osaka will each be held under a different theme and meaning.

For example, the concerts at Tokyo's Saitama Super Arena and Nagoya's Aichi Gymnasium will highlight Ryu's accomplishments up to the present, while the ones in Yokohama and Osaka will be promote the star's future flights.
The Yokohama Arena, where Ryu will perform on December 2, can hold 17,000 people and is considered one of the top 100 places to hold concerts and exhibitions.

The president of R's Company explained that Osaka is "the so-called center of the Hallyu Wave" and it will be a place where Korean culture will be promoted and "a new beginning will start for Ryu".

The 37-year-old star has appeared in numerous hit TV dramas since his debut in 1994. Some of his best-known dramas include "Wedding"(2005, KBS), "Beautiful Days"(2001, SBS), "Secret" and "Truth" (both 2000, MBC).

Reporter : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
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