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TVXQ Hero to make public appearance

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Boy band TVXQ member Hero Jaejoong is set to make a public appearance for his movie today amidst an ongoing legal feud with his agency to have the validity of his contract nullified.

It is inevitable that Hero, who will attend a press screening for his telecinema "Postman to Heaven" on Monday, will be asked what lies in the fate of one of the most successful bands in Korea.
Hero, along with two other members Micky Yoochun and Xiah Junsu, asked a court in late July to nullify their exclusive contract with their agency SM Entertainment citing unfair terms and the court granted the three freedom to carry out their individual activities until a final verdict was made.

However, SM argued they cannot exercise their individual rights while acting as members of TVXQ and gave them a 10-day deadline, asking them to decide by Thursday on whether they will be part of the team to resume their activities in Korea next year.

U-Know Yunho and Max Changmin, members of the boy band who had not engaged in legal action against SM, also asked for a decision by the remaining members of their group for a decision saying that they are siding with the agency on the issue.
The five-member boy band, who debuted in 2004 with album "Hug", are stars throughout Asia, reportedly having the largest fanbase in the world, and have seen great success in the Japanese music industry in particular.

"Postman" is the second of a total of eight telelcinemas which have started opening every week with "My Love, Ugly Duckling" from November 5. The telecinemas will first be aired in Korea, then in Japan staring next January and air on Asahi TV program “Famous Movie Theater” in May.

Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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