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Jung Yong-ha, Park Shin-hye drama premiere pushed back

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Jung Yong-hwa (left) and Park Shin-hye [Tree J. Company]

Jung Yong-hwa (left) and Park Shin-hye [Tree J. Company]

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The premiere date for a new MBC drama starring singer-actor Jung Yong-ha and actress Park Shin-hye has been pushed back by a week, notified the drama’s promoter Tree J. Company.

A press release by Tree J. said Monday that the new youth and romance drama that will star the two actors from popular 2009 series “He's Beautiful,” will go on air on June 29.
The statement further added that the drama, which was tentatively called "Festival," has been given an official title which can be translated into “You Have Fallen For Me,”chosen among over 4,000 suggestions MBC received online on their website from March 30 to April 10.

“There were many brilliant and catchy titles but we decided on 'You Have Fallen For Me' that seems to express the passion and dreams of the young generation which all generations can identify with,” said a related official.

The drama, whose story is set in an arts college, has Park playing the female lead named Lee Kyu-won who is studying Korean traditional music and an expert in gayageum (Korean harp), while Jung will take on the role of Lee Shin, the lead singer of a band and wins over the hearts of all the girls on campus.
The drama which will be helmed by scenarist Lee Myung-sook and producer Pyo Min-soo whose previous works include hit melodramas such as “Full House” (KBS, 2004) and “Worlds Within” (KBS, 2008).

Park first gained fame in Korea after appearing in hit TV series "Stairway to Heaven" (SBS, 2003) starring Kwon Sang-woo and Choi Ji-woo and rose to stardom throughout Asia after starring in "He is Beautiful" (SBS, 2009) also starring Jang Keun-suk, Lee Hong-gi and Jung Yong-hwa.

Jung debuted as one of the four members to Korean rock band CNBLUE in early last year with hits songs such as “Alone” and “LOVE.” He shot to instant fame with his appearance in “He's Beautiful” (SBS, 2009).

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Reporter : Heidi Kim heidikim@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@

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