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Song Hye-kyo finishes shooting upcoming drama flick

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Actress Song Hye-kyo [Official Song Hye-kyo website]

Actress Song Hye-kyo [Official Song Hye-kyo website]

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Top Korean actress Song Hye-kyo has finished shooting her upcoming drama flick, according to the film's distributor Lotte Entertainment on Wednesday.

Lotte announced in a press release that Song, who played the female lead role of Da-hye, recently completed filming the final scene for the drama pic tentatively titled "Today" which will open in local theaters during the latter half of this year.
"Today," helmed by famed Korean director Lee Jeong-hyang whose works include "The Way Home," tells the story of documentary producer Da-hye who loses her fiancee in an accident. The pic also stars Nam Ji-hyun and Song Chang-eui.

"I can't believe that we finished shooting the movie. It still feels as if I'll be going to the set tomorrow morning," Song was quoted as saying. "It was great working with director Lee and 'Today' is a film that has become the turning point to my life."

Song, 29, had appeared in a string of dramas and sitcoms since her debut 1996 and shot to fame in hit KBS TV series "Autumn Fairy Tale" (KBS, 2000) co-starring Hallyu stars Won Bin and Song Seung-hun.
She gained increasing popularity throughout Asia with her roles in several successful TV shows thereafter including "All In" (SBS, 2003) opposite Lee Byung-hun and "Full House" (KBS, 2004) alongside Asian pop sensation Rain.

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Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@

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