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"Bread, Love and Dreams" set to rise in Asians' hearts

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"Bread, Love and Dreams" cast members (from left to right): Kim Eugene, Yoon Si-yoon, Joo Won and Lee Young-ah [KBS]

"Bread, Love and Dreams" cast members (from left to right): Kim Eugene, Yoon Si-yoon, Joo Won and Lee Young-ah [KBS]

원본보기 아이콘

Current No. 1 Korean TV series "Bread, Love and Dreams" may spark an interest in bread-making in all of Asia with the show being sold to six countries and set to sign more broadcasting deals.

The drama's marketer ZOOM announced through a press release Tuesday that Wednesday and Thursday primetime series has been sold to China, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Vietnam and Cambodia.
The show is also expected to sign with an additional three countries including Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines while at the ongoing broadcasting content trade show BCWW (BROADCAST WORLD WIDE).

The four main characters of "Bread" -- namely Yoon Si-yoon, Lee Young-ah, Kim Eugene and Joo Won, are set to go on a promotional tour to several of the countries in time with the broadcasting schedules of the show.

"Bread," about the success story of baker Kim Tak-koo, has recently been scoring ratings in the 40 percent range, which places the show on 'national drama' status.

Reporter : Jessica Kim jesskim@

<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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