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Korean comic "Full House" to become animated 3D film

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Korean comic "Full House," better known throughout Asia by its TV adaptation starring Asian pop sensation Rain and top Korean actress Song Hye-kyo, is set to be developed into a 3D animated movie, according to its producer on Thursday.

Dream Pictures 21 announced that the big screen version of "Full House" would combine both 2D and 3D animation techniques, making it the first Korean comic to be turned into a 3D production.
Dream Pictures also added that Rain will be taking part in the production of the film and K-pop idol group MBLAQ, who is under Rain's record label Company J. Tune Camp, will participate in recording the original soundtrack for the movie.

Dream Pictures will hold a press conference on March 30 to reveal further details about the movie which is set for a simultaneous release in Korea and Japan in November. The animated feature will be dubbed in both languages.

Originally a 16 volume series by Won Soo-yeon, "Full House" was popular amongst Korean readers from when it started being published serially in 1994. The drama version was a smash hit in Korea during its airing in 2004 and was sold to several Asian countries including China, Japan and the Philippines.

Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>

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