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Idol group F.cuz to begin activities in the Asian market

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New four-member boy band F.cuz is set to launch their singing career in the Asian market with their digital single album "JIGGY," according to their agency on Monday.

"F.cuz's debut album 'JIGGY' has been licensed for sale in Taiwan and Hong Kong. We also plan to release it throughout the Greater China region and will begin promotion during the first half of the year."
The group had signed a contract with major Taiwanese record compamy Seed Music a month ago, making them the first Korean artists to sign with the firm. Seed is known for managing the careers of some of China's most famed stars including Kenji Yu and Yao Yao.

"We are ecstatic about the sale of our licensed album despite it not having been long that we made our debut," the group was quoted as saying. "We would like to thank all our fans and hope to meet up a fan meeting in the near future."

F.cuz, composed of Kan, Yejun, Jinon and LeeU, made their debut in early January. They will release their first mini-album "NO ONE" on March 11.

Reporter : Park Kun-ouc kun1112@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Lucia Hong luciahong@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>

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