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"Old Partner" wins Best Picture at Max Movie Awards

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Korean documentary "Old Partner" won the trophy for best picture at the 7th Max Movie Awards on Tuesday.

"Partner" also took the prize for best movie poster at the annual event, which hands out its awards based on a survey on movie fans. A total 753,277 people participated in the survey conducted from January 5 through February 2 this year.
The acclaimed indie film -- which attracted over three million viewers in Korea during its limited theatrical release -- is about an old farmer couple and their lifelong friendship with an old partner, a 40-year-old ox.

"The film's viewers deserve the thank-yous," said "Old Partner" director Lee Chung-ryoul in his acceptance speech. "And a small thank-you to producer Ko Young-jae."

Veteran actress Kim Hye-ja was named best actress for her role in "Mother" after receiving the most number of votes (210,999 votes) by Korean moviegoers.
"Winning this award is incredibly significant because it's based on selection by the audience who love film and enjoy watching movies," the actress was quoted as saying at the ceremony. "My heart feels consoled after receiving an award from the viewers. I am grateful because I got to know my real self after meeting director Bong Joon-ho."

The male cast of the hit flick "Take Off" swept the trophies in the categories for acting -- Ha Jung-woo won the title for best actor while his co-stars Sung Dong-il and Kim Dong-wook were named best supporting actor and best new actor, respectively.

Ha too thanked the fans and director Kim Yong-hwa, and commented that he wanted to "share the joy with my co-stars."

The award for best director went to filmmaker Yoon Je-kyun of the last summer's biggest blockbuster "Haeundae". Other winners of the night included "Breathless", which was named best independent film and Hollywood blockbuster "2012", which won the prize for best movie trailer.

"The 7th Max Movie Awards" - List of Winners

◆ Best Picture : "Old Partner"

◆ Best Director : Yoon Je-kyun, "Haeundae"

◆ Best Actress : Kim Hye-ja, "Mother"
◆ Best Actor : Ha Jung-woo, "Take Off"

◆ Best Supporting Actress : Kim Young-ae, "Aeja"
◆ Best Supporting Actor : Sung Dong-il, "Take Off"

◆ Best Movie Poster : "Old Partner"
◆ Best Movie Trailer : "2012"

◆ Best New Actress : Lee Si-young, "Descendants of Hong Gil-dong"
◆ Best New Actor : Kim Dong-wook, "Take Off"

◆ Best Independent Film : "Breathless"

Reporter : Ko Kyoung-seok kave@asiae.co.kr
Photographer : Park Sung-Ki musictok@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>



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