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Big Bang dominates Gaon's singles chart once again

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Album jacket of Big Bang's fifth mini-album "ALIVE"

Album jacket of Big Bang's fifth mini-album "ALIVE"

원본보기 아이콘

K-pop boy band Big Bang dominated Gaon’s singles chart with their tracks from the fifth mini-album “ALIVE” during the second week of March.

According to Gaon’s official website on Thursday, Big Bang’s six title tracks concurrently placed themselves in the top eight on Gaon's singles chart between February 26 to March 3.
Four tracks from the album, “BLUE,” “BAD BOY,” “LOVE DUST” and “FANTASTIC BABY,” all nabbed the top four spots while “NOT FUN” landed in the sixth and Daesung’s solo tune “WINGS” came in eighth place.

“BLUE,” which was the first song to be unveiled among all seven tracks from their mini-album released on February 22, was the No. 1 song for the second week in a row while the aforementioned songs have all listed within the top ten on various other music charts.

Meanwhile, miss A’s “Touch” dropped three spots from last week to No. 5 and songstress Ailee’s debut song "Heaven” slid down to the No. 7 spot.
On Gaon's album chart, Big Bang’s secured the top spot once again with their fifth mini-album “ALIVE.”

Coming in second place was Jay Park's full-length album "NEW BREED" while T-ara's fifth mini-album "Funky Town" jumped up 12 spots to place in third.

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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