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BoA reveals tracklist for upcoming Japanese single

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BoA [SM Entertainment]

BoA [SM Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘

Korean songstress BoA has revealed the tracklist for her upcoming Japanese single, according to her official Japanese website on Monday.

The website showed that BoA's new album titled "Milestone," set to go on sale in the country on December 7, will include four songs including the title track of the same name, "I SEE ME," "Meri Kuri ~BEST & USA Version~" and an instrumental version of the title track.
"Milestone" will also be featured in the commercial for Audio Technica, for which BoA is the spokesmodel, while the new release is composed of a DVD with the music video to "Milestone," making-of-the-video footage as well as a tenth anniversary video celebration.

Earlier this month, BoA announced on her official Twitter account that she will make her return to the music scene in Japan and revealed that she was shooting her music video for her title track.

The songstress also revealed that she will hold her annual Christmas concert in Japan for two days at the Tokyo International Forum on December 10 and 11.
BoA's last release in Japan was "I SEE ME" in December of last year which was also used for a commercial in Japan.

She has since released her sixth album in Korea and made her Hollywood film debut in “COBU 3D” opposite former “Dancing with the Stars” champion Derek Hough.

Known as the first Korean artist to make a major breakthrough in the Japanese music industry, BoA has placed numerous singles atop the prestigious Oricon charts while having released several albums in the country.

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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