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Lee Byung-hun says filming "Influence" was like shooting "IRIS"

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Top Korean actor Lee Byung-hun has said that working on his new film "The Influence" felt like an extension of shooting his KBS blockbuster TV series "IRIS" from last year.

Speaking at the film's showcase held Tuesday at Seoul CGV Multiplex, the Hallyu star described the experience as "shooting the 22nd episode of 'IRIS' because filming for "Influence" started right after 'IRIS' ended."
"It was difficult and I felt burdened but I liked working with director Lee Jae-kyu, whom I had wanted to work with," the Hallyu star said. "Personally I like movies with an element of fantasy to it so I was able to act freely and have fun."

When asked about taking on three characters in the film, the actor joked that he was "in live-or-die state at the time so ego division came naturally".

He added that although playing the part was difficult it was "experimental and fun portraying different characters who had derived from one person."
"Influence", a 60-minute online mystery film, is by Lee Jae-kyu who has directed several hit TV series including "Damo" and "Beethoven Virus".

The three-episode pic, about a man who has to make a choice on his path to fulfilling a promise made many years ago, also stars a handful of notable Korean actors including Han Chae-young, Jun No-min, Kim Tae-woo and Jo Jae-hyun.

Lee, 39, has long been considered one of the most successful actors in Korea with dozens of television dramas and films under his belt. He had a particularly successful year in 2009, making his Hollywood debut in action flick "G.I. Joe" and co-starring with Josh Hartnett and Takuya Kimura in "I Come With The Rain."

He also led a star-studded cast in blockbuster drama "IRIS", for which he picked up the grand prize at KBS Acting Awards.

The film's premiere episode airs today on the Internet.

Reporter : Ko Kyoung-seok kave@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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