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Ji Sung to star in new TV series "Kim Su-ro"

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Korean actor Ji Sung has been set to star in a 20 billion won blockbuster TV series titled "Kim Su-ro", according to his agency Namoo Actors.

Namoo announced Thursday that the actor has been cast to play the lead role in the upcoming MBC drama, playing the historic figure Kim Su-ro who founded and ruled the state of Geumgwan Gaya in the 5th century.
The traditional epic drama, which will also star noted Korean actors Yoo Oh-sung and Bae Jong-ok, is scheduled to go into shoot on location in China starting this month.

Ji Sung, whose real name is Kwak Tae-gun, debuted in 1999 in the popular campus drama "Kaist" (SBS).

He has since appeared in numerous television dramas, including "All In" (SBS, 2003), "Save the Last Dance for Me" (SBS, 2004) and "Swallow the Sun" (SBS, 2009).

Reporter : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>

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